Friday, May 28, 2021

SK-II Real and Fake Counterfeits

I'll admit I had it coming. I kinda bought it knowingly in those internet selling/buying places. If I'm lucky I get a real one, if I'm not, I don't loose much anyway. I was curious. Would I be able to tell the difference??

I have not seen much fake comparisons on the net for SK other than some YouTube which were a tiny bit hard to see, so here's my comparison. FYI, I use SK-II, and I buy it from their original site    Can't ignore those nice samples they give you.

First thing that hit me was the smell though. My god. It smelled like a very cheap generic cream with a strong floral smell you would smell in... your grandmas? drawer.... =/  That's how my fake smelled, but I've smelled ones that were less horrific. 

SK-II has a very distinct smell. 

Their Pitera essence has a distinct smell. (Not exactly the most pleasant) 

Their creams and serums have another distinct smell (rather pleasant) that is shared.  

Best bet is buy on the SK-II site a small sample set. Then you'll know. I would guess it can vary alot depending on who makes the counterfeit. The smell was so off, it was laughable. This one also had a very heavy consistency. As you may see in one of the photos I made a 'cream mountain'. The real SK-II is too smooth to make such a tall mountain. 

As you can see the red color on the glass is already stuck to the fake box and all.

Can you see the difference in the "SK-II" lettering? Authentic SK is white for the RNA Power brand. (btw the newer authentic SkinPower has a cloudy red top and a cloudy silver lettering) I don't remember if my older jars had a silver lettering at one point in time, but the last few years are white.

You can also see the fake one has a bit of a see through white used on the R.N.A POWER lettering.

Caps are rather shoddy too, look at how the ring of red shines on the authentic cap. =O

The top white cap is a little harder to distinguish. The cloudy middle is a bit messy on the fake one.

Oh yeah the consistency. With the smell, I thought it was a bottle of perfumed lard or something...

Its a cream mountain!

Don't forget folks, the authentic ones have this little barcode on the glass and on the paper box.

So far I've seen a bit of empty bottle switching and odd put-togethers. Like one other seller had a fake box, real red top screw, real white under cover, fake glass container. The red cover kept turning around and around and didn't close unless you put some pressure on it.  Some of the little kinks you want to watch out for.

The SK-II cream should also have a consistancy near to that of an essence. On the japanese jar, instead of 'cream' it states 'essence', and understandably the consistancy of this cream is always 'flowy'. You should not be able to skulpt a cream mountain nor should the cream stick to the container like the shape of a washroom basin like some kind of shoe polish.

The end :3

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